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Clubs & Other Events

Creating connections through student led clubs and events.



Even if students aren’t enrolled in a Drama or Tech class or involved in the program’s extra-curriculars, anyone with a passion for Theater Arts can join on campus clubs and enjoy activities with a network of their peers.

Drama/Tech Club
(Wednesdays at lunch in Room 1)

President - Abby Brown
Vice President - Chris Halkias
Secretary - Maggie Gerken
Event Coordinator - Margie Conner
Photo Historians - Jonah Mirkovich and Alayna van de Ven
Video Historians - Charlie Baboolal and Emily Hucul
Publicity - Julia Mendelson and Aaron Henschel
Auxiliary - Natalie Cooper, Ava Ford (lead), & Claire Lemieux
Teacher Advisor - Jonathan Westerberg

Tech Board
Tech President - Sarah Dobbins
Tech Vice President - Sarah Tonne
Tech Secretary - Ava Marisa Brunner
Tech Auxiliary - Lily Mizrahi, Joshua Truong, & Felix Whitlow
Teacher Advisor - Cary Jordahl

Improv Club
(Tuesdays at lunch Room 1)
Managers - Devan Malik & Chloe Estrin
Assistant Manager - Jaxon Stroyke
Teacher Advisor - Maddie Hutchinson


Holiday Benefit

The Holiday Benefit is a student-produced, variety show that premieres in December of each year. All proceeds from the event are used to purchase gifts for a family in need assigned to the Drama/Tech student board by the Richstone Family Center’s Adopt-a -Family program.

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AIDS Benefit

The AIDS Benefit is a student-produced, variety show that premieres in February of each year. All proceeds for the event are donated to Broadway Cares, Equity Fights AIDS.


Senior Scenes

For their semester 2 final, Advanced Drama seniors have the option to direct and produce either an original scene or a cut from a published play or musical. Each scene is cast using students from the program and throughout campus, and after months of rehearsal, the scenes are showcased, led by a crew from Advanced Tech, in a single event in May of each year before a full audience. This senior project is a culminating assessment and showcase that pulls together years of learning in Drama classes.


End of Year Banquet

Drama/Tech celebrates the end of the year at a formal event that includes dinner, awards, scholarships, recognitions, and
a slideshow and video that highlight the journey the program took that year. All Drama and Tech classes, casts, crew, club members, and Comedy Sportz team members as well as their parents are invited to attend. Graduating seniors are acknowledged and students formally thank their teachers as well as other professionals who have supported the program.


Other Student Planned and Led Activities

Kick-Off Party is held in early September at Polliwog park.
This event, planned and executed by the Drama/Tech Student Board, is a meet-and-greet for new and returning students to break the ice, build teamwork, and ignite enthusiasm for the year ahead. Drama/Tech is a second family for so many students, and setting this tone at the start with a fun, welcoming event, helps bond students early in the new year.


Progressive Dinner is held in December. This is a holiday-themed party where students, dressed in their best holiday regalia, walk from one host house to another to enjoy a multi-course meal and to celebrate their fall successes and the upcoming winter break.

Oscar Party is held in March, students dress in their red-carpet finest, gather at a host house to watch the Oscars, socialize, and play games.


Thespian Initiation is held in May, at school. Current members of the International Thespian Society welcome new initiates and the winners of next year's board elections are announced.

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